Specialising in Litigation and Commercial, Labour, Insolvency & Criminal Law
The core of our vision is to provide affordable, professional and effective legal advice and representation together with a personalised service tailored to the individual needs of our clients.
As one of the first firms formed under the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014, we are committed to giving effect to the purposes of the Act by rendering legal services in accordance with the proposed fee structures thus ensuring access to justice for both the ordinary citizen and various start-up businesses.
We understand that start-up, together with small and medium sized businesses, face the same commercial legal issues as big corporate entities but are often unable to afford the prohibitive legal fees charged by establishment “ivory tower” law firms. Similarly, private individuals faced with civil or criminal legal problems are often paralysed by fear of the financial implications of legal fees.
We at MLR offer our clients the benefit of many years of litigation experience combined with fresh, critical and innovative legal thinking. We are therefore perfectly suited to meet the varied needs of our clients. MLR also understands that it is vital for a law firm to keep up to date and adapt in order to provide innovative and strategic solutions in an ever-changing environment.

1st Floor, Piazza on Church Square
32 Parliament Street
Cape Town, 8001, South Africa​
Email: info[at]mlrattorneys.co.za
T: 021 476 0256
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